How long does the study take?
The orientation session will take approximately 15 minutes, after which you will be emailed a link to the initial survey, which will take approximately 45 to 90 minutes to complete. You have up to one week after completing the orientation session to complete the initial survey. You will begin to receive the short, daily surveys within 24 hours (or the following Monday if completed on a weekend) of completing the initial survey. You will complete the daily surveys 3 times per day for 10 consecutive days. Each daily survey takes about 5 to 7 minutes to complete.
You will likely spent 60 minutes to an hour completing the initial survey, and 20 minute per day completing the three daily surveys.
Where can I complete the surveys?
This study is entirely online, so you do not need to come into the laboratory to complete any surveys. Because our study does ask personal questions, we recommend you complete the surveys in a confidential environment.
Do I need to have a smart phone to participate? Does the app cost money?
Because the short, daily surveys are sent to you via app, you will need to have a smart phone. You may use either an Apple or Android device.
The app, Ilumivu is free.
How do I earn money by participating in the study?
The study uses electronic gift cards. Participants will earn $20 for completion of the initial survey, and $1 per daily survey ($3 per day). Participants will also receive additional gift cards based upon how many surveys they complete. Participants will earn an additional $10 for every five days in which they complete 14 out of the 15 possible surveys. At the completion of the 10 days of short, daily surveys, participants will earn an additional $20 for completing over 85% of their daily surveys (26 out of 30 surveys). Below are some examples on how gift cards may be earned:
Participant 1: Completes initial survey ($20), completes all 30 short, daily surveys ($1/survey, 3 times per day, over 10 days), receives two $10 bonuses for full completion every five days, and receives $20 bonus for completing over 85% of total surveys = $90
Participant 2: Completes initial survey ($20), completes 27 daily surveys ($27), receives bonus for completing 14 out of 15 surveys for five five days ($10 bonus), does not receive bonus for completing 13 out of 15 surveys for second five days (no bonus), receives $20 bonus for 85% of short, daily surveys = $77
How will my information and data be protected?
All your answers are entirely confidential. To ensure confidentiality, all questionnaires and other data forms will be identified with only a code number. You select this code number during the orientation session. Your answers provided on Ilumivu are not connected to your identity in any way, and Ilumivu will not receive any information regarding any identifiers or your location. Ilumivu is entirely confidential and does not pull or mine data from your phone.
We also have a Certificate of Confidentiality from the federal National Institutes of Health. This helps us protect your privacy. The Certificate means that we do not have to give out information about our participants even if we are asked to by a court of law. We will use the Certificate to resist any demands for identifying information.